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Nat's Films (3) - Developing Skills

Writer's picture: Nat ScottNat Scott

Updated: Dec 18, 2020

Over the past year and a half I've got a lot to reflect on creatively but i'm going to focus more on film here. Early in the year I wrote and filmed a short called 'Cold,' this was a collaborative project and we named the group 'Talkie Creative.' The film is linked to the picture shown.

What Did I Learn?

Making the film was a great experience, it was really the only second, proper short film I had been involved in, it was my first experience in working with a crew to film my own idea. It taught me that in film, organisation is key. Prior to the film, some thought had gone into the edit and shot list and colouring though not all went to plan. I had no experience in colouring film and of course the storyboard created was pretty limited so It didnt quite match expectations. This led to the edit being challenging and an extra shoot day was required to fill in gaps... Wait... what about the audio? This could have been easy had I not been lazy and rushed audio during filming. The sound quality was terrible an almost all of the film consisted of ADR, this took the editing time up massively. Overall I was still happy with the project and got a good response from the people who viewed it.

Taken Faces

This is the short film (VNF/ Visual Narrative Film) I have been working on as my first film assignment for SAE, Since Cold, my experience editing and filming has greatly improved since and I did not find the same issues as before. The footage for the film was all usable and the shots were all planned in great detail, this led to the shoot being quick and the edit being nice and easy. I had also taken audio very seriously and all diegetic sound was recorded live on to an external recorder and checked for any issues while on set. I found lighting difficult for the film as the location was quite confined and the light stands were difficult to set up. After going through the first few drafts of the edit I will say that the script could be improved, The storyline is, in my opinion too complex for the length of time I have to show the film (3 mins) in hindsight I would have gone for a simpler idea or perhaps re worked the script to a slightly different storyline.

In conclusion, there is room for improvement in all aspects of my filmmaking. Comparing my work now to 9 months ago, I would definitely say my camera knowledge has vastly improved and I am quite happy with what I can get out of a camera at this point and I believe I have a decent knowledge in the post production field (though I still do have a lot to learn). A key aspect of improvement I would like to better is definitely my writing, I write creatively though I do believe my scriptwriting could be greatly improved.

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